
  • Javascript

  • React

  • Redux

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • PostgreSQL

  • Node.js

  • Webpack

  • AWS

  • Express

  • MongoDB

  • Github

  • Heroku



Herebnb is a fullstack clone of the popular Airbnb. Users can host, view, and book homes. Built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL on the backend and React, Redux and Javascript on the frontend. Integerated Google Maps API and AWS.

Live site Code

A Thousand Miles

A Thousand Miles is a roadtrip planning web application that allows users to plan a trip through interactively drawing on a map. Users can create custom itineraries and add their favorite attractions. Created as a group project. Built with React, Redux, Javascript, MongoDB, Express, Node.js and Webpack.

Live site Code

Typing Mania

Typing Mania is a typing game to challenge your skills. As the game continues, it gets progressively more challenging. Built with Javascript, HTML, CSS, Canvas, and Random Word API

Live site Code

Why software engineer

My enthusiasm for software engineering comes from a place of always striving to reach higher. As a former nurse, I know the power of helping people. I believe technology has the immense power of compounded impact and I want to be part of bettering peoples lives at scale. I've seen how technology has helped hospital staff work more efficiently. I also recognize the tremendous need for growth in the technology industry so staff can focus on the lives they are saving.

Fun facts

When I am not coding, you can find me hanging out with my husband and daughter, listening to music, and going on long walks in the park. I love playing word games and I am definitely competitive. I never missed a Wordle day thus far.